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Introducing httpscout.io: A Website Uptime Monitor

20 Mar 2024 | Shey Sewani | Toronto

Today, I’m excited to share a project close to my heart: httpscout.io. It’s now in early Beta as a reliable, cost-effective website uptime and TLS certificate expiry monitor tailored for early-stage tech companies and a reliable backup for larger firms.

I’ve been developing httpscout.io over the past months. Though it’s still evolving, launching now lets me gather feedback and see how it performs under real-world conditions. This project has been a dream to work on. The site is built with Ruby 3, Rails 7, Bootstrap 5, Sidekiq 6, and PostgreSQL 15, and is hosted in Canada, independent of the major infrastructure providers.

Thanks to the support from my friends and family during this journey. If you have a moment, please visit httpscout.io to help test the site.